Joel Hernandez (Mexicanos ) Joel Hernandez's work deals with his memories of Mexico and its people in a theatric way. Hernandez moved from Mexico when…
I had an amazing experience with Phamily Bites. Food quality was high and the meal tasted fresh and hot. The owners were very cool and chatted with us…
Happiness is a decision; it is a choice. We choose how we will react to each situation we face. We choose how we will allow others to make us feel. I …
The critical mass bike ride last night was off the hook! They just keep getting better. I have to admit, I love it. Made tons of new friends and I hop…
Some of the things we can do for others will make us feel terrific. I'd like to summarize it by saying just make others feel important. Hopefully with…
I was reviewing my blog posts and noticed I never finished this one! FYI - I'm still wearing the wrist band they gave me at the event. (Update - 7/27/…
Based on the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines from American, (1) being physically active on a regular basis helps in the following areas: Improves yo…