Happiness is a decision; it is a choice – Dr. LaSharnda Beckwith Part 2

Part 2 of Happiness is a decision; it is a choice.  Read part 1 here:

Now think about this. Suppose you got news that you were getting laid off and you decided okay, I don’t like this, but I believe there must be something better for me. Of course you felt sad deep inside, but you kept telling yourself that there must be a better job for me; a bigger plan for my life and I intend to face this head on. You then go home, at times anxiety began to creep in, but you pushed it aside. You then put together your action plan, you planned to go to employment agencies, you planned to call in favors from friends and family; you planned out a list of potential companies to call on and you kept going and going until you found something better. Things may not have worked out right away, but you decided that there is no point in being angry.  How do you think you feel now?  Successful people don’t blame others when things go wrong, they pick themselves up and move on to the next thing.  Happiness is not a destination it is a way of life. It is your choice.  Don’t automatically say that it is impossible to live happy everyday; I don’t agree. You choose how you will live; if you will be happy in spite of what’s going on with you.  Living happy everyday is an intentional effort.

Contributed by Dr. LaSharnda, host of Living Happy Everyday with Dr. LaSharnda and author of  When You’re Happy With You. You can find out more about her at www.lasharndabeckwith.com

Also visit livehappyandsuccessful.com where you are sure to find encouraging dialogue to help you live happy and successful lives.

Luke Heights
  • Luke Heights
  • Social Design Engineer

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