Lately I have seen a few sighting of "Matachines" (Spanish matachín, or religious dancer) and it reminded to share my recent trip to Mexico City, Mexi…
Dallas State Fair in Dallas, Texas October 2011. Watch as how to live happy Luke and company enjoy the Dallas State Fair, carnival rides, carnival gam…
Watch Live Happy Luke visit the Dallas State Fair and Exposition in October 2011. In 1937 the first Cotton Bowl Classic is played in Fair Park. 1952, …
Episode 4 – “OktoberFest and Bratwurst” Ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall, Ninety nine bottles of beer, take one down and pass it around... Join…
Episode 3 – “Mountain Speedsters” Down down the mountain we go, as fast as we can, will we fall, nobody knows? Mamba trail, Lions head, blacks and blu…
Episode 2 -- "Off Roading and The Hot Springs" Another legend we wanted to investigate first hand had to do with the mystical powers of the Hot Spring…
Episode 1 -- "The search for Bigfoot" Five hikers, Luke (live happy), D, Bones, Sandy, and Jessica go searching for the legendary bigfoot in the mount…
It was a last minute trip, the stars in the sky aligned and the date was set. My friend Bones (Neils) extended the invite to visit his home in Vail Co…