Welcome back to another edition of livehappyandsuccessful.com , where our main focus is success through positive action oriented repeatable habits tow…
Lately I have seen a few sighting of "Matachines" (Spanish matachín, or religious dancer) and it reminded to share my recent trip to Mexico City, Mexi…
Why do we get depressed? ….The darkness in this world, the enemy knows exactly how to destroy God’s creation. He begins by putting thoughts into our h…
Happiness is a decision; it is a choice. We choose how we will react to each situation we face. We choose how we will allow others to make us feel. I …
Some of the things we can do for others will make us feel terrific. I'd like to summarize it by saying just make others feel important. Hopefully with…
"You meet thousands of people and they don't affect you and then you meet one person that changes your life forever." - Love and other drugs I finally…
What is a Scavenger hunt you might ask? According to Google.com it is defined as: "A scavenger hunt is a game in which individuals or teams seek to ga…