Friday Funny Video | 2012 Rodeo Run| Live Happy | Person Success In this weeks Friday Funny Video watch as Luke rides his bike into downtown for the 2…
Welcome back to another edition of , where our main focus is success through positive action oriented repeatable habits tow…
Welcome back to First I want to start with a quote on success to get our minds on success and have our thoughts of success …
The Ultimate Success State of Mind |Out Sourcing | Quotes About Success “Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and act…
Good morning/Good afternoon Today, 3/6/2012, will mark the day I begin to take my blog in a new direction. The initial goal of my blog was to share my…
Life isn’t always easy. What seems to be easy is being mean to others when they are mean to us. Why we tend to look at things in a negative light is b…
This book review is part 2 of my Strengths Finder 2.0 book review. This book was written by Tom Rath. This book focuses on finding your strengths and …
Watch Luke at the Houston 2012 Marathon Olympic Trials in Houston, Texas. Having fun with all the events at the Houston Marathon running center where …
Lights in the Heights, part of Houston events that happens each year in December. This year I rode my bike to the event and recorded some of the light…
In today's video I'm explaining another important universal law that I live by. The Law of Belief starts by internalizing with feeling what you want t…