The Mastery of Poverty The Fifth Miracle of Life Welcome back and thanks for following along with me on this journey into the book "You can work your …
Growth Through Struggle The Fourth Miracle of Life Welcome back to more summaries about success and working your own miracles. In this chapter we expl…
Welcome back! Today I'm reviewing Chapter 2 Our Unseen Guides The Second Miracle of Life of Napoleon Hill's Book "You can work your own Miracles". Nap…
Friday Funny Video | 2012 Rodeo Run| Live Happy | Person Success In this weeks Friday Funny Video watch as Luke rides his bike into downtown for the 2…
Life isn’t always easy. What seems to be easy is being mean to others when they are mean to us. Why we tend to look at things in a negative light is b…
In today's video I'm explaining another important universal law that I live by. The Law of Belief starts by internalizing with feeling what you want t…
Dallas State Fair in Dallas, Texas October 2011. Watch as how to live happy Luke and company enjoy the Dallas State Fair, carnival rides, carnival gam…
Episode 1 -- "The search for Bigfoot" Five hikers, Luke (live happy), D, Bones, Sandy, and Jessica go searching for the legendary bigfoot in the mount…
A special person in my life recognized that what I talk about is much like the wisdom of Don Miguel Ruiz. Mainly, the messages that come from his book…
"Luke, God has made you perfect in his sight, he knew you before you were born, he loved you before you existed, he made you with a great potential, s…