Person Success Series Interview #1 – Frances Dyess, President of Houston East End Chambers of Commerce

Success Series Interview #1 – Frances Dyess, President of Houston East End Chambers of Commerce.

“Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic; they are ideally set up to understand stories.” – Roger C. Schank, Cognitive Scientist

In school one of the things is that sure way to becoming successful is to model our self after someone that is successful. To find someone that is doing what we want to do and learn everything we can from them. To help us learn I’ve decided to start a “Success Series”. In these video interviews I talk with successful people in all walks of life and occupations. The goal is to learn from their stories on living happy and successful.
To start off the “Success Series Interviews” I will be interviewing Frances Castaneda Dyess, President of the Houston East End Chamber of Commerce.

In this interview Frances Dyess discusses what makes her successful, tells us a little about her background and gives us some amazing tips about living our dreams and becoming successful.
Frances was the first person from her family to graduate from Dallas, believes in fate and the straight and narrow. Worked for the Houston Rockets organization for nine years and joined the Commerce to help give back to the community.
“Stay positive and always do good.” I believe this as well and believe the saying “what goes around comes around” in life.

Luke Heights
  • Luke Heights
  • Social Design Engineer

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