Overcoming Barriers| Sample of My Work| Video Blog

“Do not worry about what may never happen, instead live in the sun” – Benjamin Franklin

Sometimes it takes a long time to build the ‘guts’ we need to go out on a limb and try something we really would like to do, but have reservations about.  One reason we might hesitate is because we don’t know how it will be received by others and their potential criticism paralyzes us with fear to the point of abandoning our dreams or we just don’t act on them.  One way to overcome this is to find like-minded people.  People that will support your ideas through positive affirmations, pep talks, becoming an accountability partner to your project, and even lending you a hand with your project.  Once you feel like you have people ‘on your side’, your fear subsides and you realize that you are about to have fun with your idea and it’s okay if it doesn’t work out exactly as you planned. You will be surprised at the amount of people that are around you to help.  Remember I’m here to.

Since I was teenager I was into making video marketing projects. When I was in high school I made 3 commercials for my marketing class and one of them was aired on the school TV system.  All my friends started calling me “Hollywood”.  I even tried making a work out video in my garage to sell, but my dog name “DNA” kept hogging up the screen time… Needless to say, I truly have a passion for making videos.

Below, I present to you a current sample of my work.  The idea behind my Adventure Show is twofold and here are the things I want to accomplish.  NOTE: If you want to have fun with this, watch the video FIRST then report back if I accomplished my goals? 🙂

  1. To record my fun adventures to share with my family and friends
  2. To have a local businesses sponsor an episode and thus presenting their business during the show.  Watch closely and notice that I have vendor in the video, but I’m not making a commercial here.  The authentic and natural flow of the show brings a whole new level of credibility to the establishment on display.

Video Here –>http://youtu.be/2YLZSb51FZM

Video: Adventures of Luke “Super 88 – The Heights”

Adventures of Luke “Super 88 – The Heights”

PS- It is strange to see yourself on video sometimes.
PS- This post is dedicated to Melissa for her continued support.

Luke Heights
  • Luke Heights
  • Social Design Engineer

    Email me at : livehappy -at- livehappyandsuccessful.com
    Follow on Twitter: @Happy_Luke
    Friend on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LiveHappyLuke


  • Like! Entertaining and informative. Enjoyed the intimate look at Houston….

  • I am enjoying your blog and I thoroughly love this video. I am in love with the Heights! I live in the woodlands and used to dance for the Houston ballet and I always made sure to drive through the heights on my way to practice. I am a big fan and now a new follower. I appreciate everything you are doing with your blog and thank you for your support. I wish you all the luck in the world!
    Much love and abundant blessings,

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