Breckridge Colorado | Snowboarding


Day 1 of Peak 7 Breckridge Colorado.

It is 821pm and we are dinning at “Windy City Pizza” near our hotel room…  We drove all night long from Houston to arrive here at 9am.

Breckenridge , Colorado
Trip to Breckenridge , Colorado

We braved city or rather small town after small town West and North through upper Texas and then North through Oklahoma.   After surveying each town I think they all followed the same “Master Plan”… Each city we traveled through was about 1 mile in total circumference and each town had their very own Ace Hardware and Dounkin dounts and of course Mc Donalds.  Which we stopped at frequently.

I have exciting video of the drive down the mountain as it snowed and at moments the truck slide out of control.  Danger is my middle name, just kidding, but we really did lose control as we hit spots of snow on the road.

As soon as we hit the town we rented skiing and snowboarding equipment and hit the mountain.  Peak 7.  My brother and I started on an intermediate slope and my nephew on the basics.  We spent the rest of the day enjoying, falling, skiing and snowboarding and eating at the resort.

Driving on Snow road in Breckenridge Colorado
Driving on Snow road in Breckenridge Colorado

The sun was out the entire time and it was cold, currently under 17 degrees … With the same tomorrow.

I have a small headache probably from the all night drive and my body is sore.  I’m not sure if my body is sore from the drive or the snowboarding… probably both.  Food is coming, will write soon.  Stay tuned for more and enjoy your evening.  And the full video.

Breckenridge Colorado, Snowboarding trip
Breckenridge Colorado, Snowboarding trip
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