Week 4: Stress: Survive and Thrive
In this week my blog assignment is to reflect and discuss what I’ve learned on the following topics:
The Off Switch
Practicing Mindfulness with Your Course Goal
In terms of “The Off Switch”, I’d have to say that I’m learning to apply this all of the time. I am learning to use an off switch so that I can stay focused on only doing the things that are aligned with my goals. I started to see this in action every morning when I meditate. I had to learn how to catch myself when my mind started to think about things not related to my focus and attention of meditation.
Learning to practice mindfulness has been a blessing for me. It has really helped me slow down and remove cluttered thoughts and has helped me to relax more than before. It has also helped me to start reading books again, by helping me put down my phone and pickup a book. Lastly, it has helped me to continuously focus on the tasks at hand while I am working on my business.
Thank you for reading