"THEY THEMSELVES ARE MAKERS OF THEMSELVES" - James Allen Hello Tuesday! The first week has passed since I started taking the blog in a new direction. …
This book review is part 2 of my Strengths Finder 2.0 book review. This book was written by Tom Rath. This book focuses on finding your strengths and …
This book review is on the strengths finder 2.0 book by Tom Rath. This book focuses on finding your strengths and using them in your life. The book te…
Lights in the Heights, part of Houston events that happens each year in December. This year I rode my bike to the event and recorded some of the light…
In today's video I'm explaining another important universal law that I live by. The Law of Belief starts by internalizing with feeling what you want t…
Episode 1 -- "The search for Bigfoot" Five hikers, Luke (live happy), D, Bones, Sandy, and Jessica go searching for the legendary bigfoot in the mount…
"You meet thousands of people and they don't affect you and then you meet one person that changes your life forever." - Love and other drugs I finally…