Radio Interview with host Dr. LaSharnda Beckwith | Sept. 17, 2011

Hola everyone!

Hope you are all doing well! I will be doing a radio interview with host Dr. LaSharnda Beckwith about living happy and successful.

When: Saturday Sept. 17th at 2pm CST
Where:, Channel 1

Please join in, listen, and share some of my thoughts…

If you can’t listen live, you can download or listen to archived shows on the same site or download from I-tunes at Living Happy Everyday

Hope to make you smile and/or laugh out loud,

PS- My blog is being transformed right now so it is going through ‘growing’ changes…

Luke Heights
  • Luke Heights
  • Social Design Engineer

    Email me at : livehappy -at-
    Follow on Twitter: @Happy_Luke
    Friend on Facebook:

One Comment

  • Luke, I enjoyed your interview on Living Happy Everyday with Dr. LaSharnda Beckwith. The points and insight that discussed I found to be extremely helpful and encouraging to know that I am on the right track. I plan to live happy and successful daily and the show today was a motivating factor. God bless you in all that you do and thank you for sharing your story!

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