Flight Of The Buffalo Chapter 3 Book Review

Today I review chapter 3 of “Flight Of the Buffalo” .  If you read the first post in the series you know that this is a management book that I decided to review for you guys.

PART 1 – Our Personal Leadership Journey
CHAPTER 3 – “I am the Problem”

This chapter starts by describing how we sometimes enjoy being a victim.  “It’s so easy.”  Sometimes playing victim due to the circumstances leads our employees to also play the victim.  Before we know it we have an entire company of under performers.

In most organizations people aren’t responsible for their own performance.  People tend to feel that they are being lead by leaders that do not know what they are doing.  When a figures out how to achieve what needs to be done they become powerful.  Powerful because people are very different when they feel they are being lead by someone that knows what to do.

They talk about using a the Magic Conversion Question to help turn from powerless to powerful.  “What am I doing or not doing that causes the situation I don’t like?” Although we can’t control every aspect of things, especially how other people work we can get better control over virtually any situation.

This chapter closes by reminding us that “the Way I Am” prevents us from getting what I want.  We have to be able to change the way we behave if we want others to change how they act to us.

End of Chapter Question: How must I be different to be an effective leader?

Leadership Solution: Understand that I am the problem.  Accepting that enables to be the solution.

I hope you enjoyed this  chapter review and stay tuned as I cover the next chapter

Luke Heights
  • Luke Heights
  • Social Design Engineer

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