Dallas State Fair 2011 Part 1| Live Happy

Watch Live Happy Luke visit the Dallas State Fair and Exposition in October 2011. In 1937 the first Cotton Bowl Classic is played in Fair Park. 1952, Big Tex makes his first State Fair appearance. 1964, Elvis Presley performs in the Cotton Bowl during the Fair. 1959, Vice President Richard Nixon cuts the ribbon to open the State Fair. 1986, Pig races are offered for the first time. 1994, Former President George Bush cuts the ribbon to open the State Fair. 2009, Oprah Winfrey tapes a mid-October segment of her show. 2011, the season was the second most successful year in the event’s history.
Provided by-http://www.bigtex.com/sft/AboutUs/Timeline.asp

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Luke Heights
  • Luke Heights
  • Social Design Engineer

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